
the GENDER book

Most people who come to question gender or who have loved ones who are gender-variant must educate themselves about gender. There is no definitive way to come across the knowledge needed to navigate gender respectfully. Started by a group of people in Houston, Texas who wanted to create a sort of basic textbook on gender when finding there was none, the GENDER book was created to illustrate clearly and in a creative way the gender binary, the differences between gender and sex, and different identities along the gender spectrum.


College for Trans* People

College for a trans* person can be daunting. There are so many concerns, whether you are coming into college with a knowledge of who you are or discover and accept yourself while there: How do you come out to professors when your birth name is listed on rosters? What policies does your college have for the protection of the LGBTQ* community? For transguys going to women’s colleges, what rules does your college have regarding transitioning while in college? How can housing be comfortable?


Exploring Gender: Follow up on Housing and Sterilization

I wanted to follow up on a couple of stories I’ve written in the past few months and share the outcomes. Sometimes we need to hear some good news. The previous articles, on proposed rule changes to prevent discrimination in federal housing and the forced sterilization of trans* people in Sweden, can be found here and here, respectively.