
Sex is Not Love

Dear Sappho,

I am a single lesbian looking for true love. I live in Northern California and have no problem hooking up with other lesbians. There is a vibrant community here and also lots of online dating opportunities. The problem is finding a woman that makes my heart sing and my spirit soar.  

I assumed that with so many choices I would have several heartthrobs – but so far my dates have been lukewarm without any life changers. I want deep fulfilling lasting passion and love. Where can I find it, if not here? 
Sex is not enough.

Should Tv Shows Portrayed Lesbian Marriages?

In Grey’s Anatomy, the question around the marriage between Callie and Arizona is facing debates.

The creator, Shonda Rimes, defended her point of view.


Petition : Help To Close Torture LGBT Clinics In Ecuador

A petition was launched to close clinics of torture for lesbians in Ecuador.



Croatia Must Protect LGBT To Join European Union

Croatia will have to protect its LGBT community if it wants to join the European Union in 2013.


New Supporters For Australian Marriage Equality